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Photogrammetry Option Sync 2 Cameras

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Photogrammetry Option Sync 2 Cameras
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Italian Navy’s GOS
Italian Police’s Diving Unit
Italian Firefighters’ Diving Unit
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Photogrammetry Option Sync 2 Cameras

For the realization of 3D reconstructions of Wrecks and other submerged objects, Easydive allows the implementation of the "Photogrametry" function in the LeoR, Leo3, Leo3 Wi and Leo3 Plus housings.

With this option enabled, the housing will manage the automatic shooting of photos at the scheduled times.

Just press the "Shoot" button to start the series of photographic shots, and press the AF button to end the sequence.

With Easydive, Underwater Photogrammetry is as simple as pressing a button.

647,54 € Ex. vat 790,00 € Inc. vat
79 punti EASYDIVE = 3,95 € cashback 1 punto EASYDIVE = 5 centesimi
During the purchase phase, VAT will NOT be added to the price for INTRA UE Companies and for all EXTRA UE customers
ACC/PG/LEO3 - Photogrammetry Option for Leo Housings

Photogrammetry Option for Leo Housings

122,95 € Ex. vat 150,00 € Inc. vat

ACC/PGX2/LEO3 - Photogrammetry Option Sync 2 Cameras

Photogrammetry Option Sync 2 Cameras

647,54 € Ex. vat 790,00 € Inc. vat

We’re official suppliers for
Italian Navy’s GOS
Italian Police’s Diving Unit
Italian Firefighters’ Diving Unit
Carabinieri’s Diving Unit
Made in italy
Respect the Ocean
Express Delivery Worldwide

The Fotogrammetry Option is a Firmware implementation that must be done by updating the LeoR, Leo3, Leo3 Wi or Leo3 Plus housing.

It can be already provided in a housing during the purchase phase, or added to a housing already in possession, using the Programmer Kit accessory.

The purchase of the Option without the possession of a housing will result in a refund of the purchase.


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The perfect housing does not exist, only the housing that is right for you and your equipment.
Build your own universal housing with the Configurator.
It only takes a few steps to build your own fully equipped housing: all that you need to document the underwater world and protect your cameras.
If you need customization or advice, reach out to us! Our team is here to help you and resolve your doubts.