easydive Store

2020 - New Control Mode for iOS

2020 - New Control Mode for iOS

With iOS 14 we have enabled the use of Keyboard and Mouse mode for our Universal Leo3Smart and Diveshot housings. These new tools allow you to use your iPhone underwater just like you would use in everyday life, but interacting through the case. You can therefore open any App during the dive. A novelty that inaugurates a new way to use your smartphone underwater.

Leo3 Smart and Diveshot are compatible with all models of smartphones iOS and most of Android Smartphones. 

To date Compatible with more than 3000 smartphone models.


Configure your Housing

The perfect housing does not exist, only the housing that is right for you and your equipment.
Build your own universal housing with the Configurator.
It only takes a few steps to build your own fully equipped housing: all that you need to document the underwater world and protect your cameras.
If you need customization or advice, reach out to us! Our team is here to help you and resolve your doubts.