Alessandro Beltrame

He has made productions in various fields, but his main attitude remains the outdoor environment and all its variations, such as adventure, exploration and above all the protection of the natural environment.
He has made documentaries for National Geographic USA and Italy, BBC, RAI, Mediaset.
As a producer and author he has made a series of multimedia DVDs related to the outdoor world, with national editorial distribution, some adventure TV series for Sky and terrestrial Mediaset satellite channels and some documentaries for RAI channels.
He has produced projects of visual communication and development of the territory for the Liguria Region, the Piedmont Region and the Sardinia Region, collaborated with ministerial research institutions such as Enea, CNR, PNRA.
In 2008 and 2012 he created 9 “viral-spot” for Scubapro-Uwatec of the Johnson Outdoors group as author / operator. For Piana Film he shot 9 spots for FastWeb with Valentino Rossi and some Virals for Web use. From 2006 to 2010 he created the underwater production of Linea Blu on RAI1 as author / operator. From 2011 to 2012 he is collaborating for some series dedicated to the sea for Mediaset channels.
He participated in the 28th Italian expedition to Antarctica.
He has participated in and produced documentaries for expeditions in Aconcagua, on the Alps and in Kyrgyzstan.
In 2016-17 he produced some productions in the United States for Non-Profit Associations in the sports and social field, the 3 documentaries that were produced (Desert around me, Beyond the limits, Euphoria) have already won over 15 Awards.
As an author and co-producer, he is producing a series for the BBC and National Geographic in the Mediterranean area.
Pourquoi choisir Easydive ?
I'm sorry to say, but an Easydive Housings are the same as all the others.
I have used them for more than 10 years in all their evolutions.
I said that it is the same as all the high-level diving suits that do what they say, or that when you press a button they respond promptly.
It has only some added value that I happened to see and experience personally and it seems only right to list them for honor of the merit.
1) costs 1/3 ... because if you have to change camera / video camera, then you have to spend more money for a new case. With Easydive, the case remains the same.
2) versatility ... I shot several years both inside and outside the water with Canon 1DC, a good compromise between cinema quality (4K and Canon Log) and size, already with Leo 3 plus .... 1 year ago the Canon EOS 1DX Mark2, a remarkable upgrade, performing autofocus and superlative 4K 50 fps quality. Cost of the upgrade of the suit 300 Euro and the next day I am in the water.
3) customization ... sub work in the pool, music video, the director wants to see everything while he is shooting live. Taking out a video signal that works long distances from a DSLR while keeping the monitor for the operator in the water is not so trivial (those who have already tried it know this).
I need to bring out a wet contact "ethernet" from the diving suit, I talk to Fabio and within 3 days (making somersaults between weekends and holidays) and we do it.
The director is calm, he is the director as if he were in the water, we do the work and create a production precedent a little unknown and requested.
4) availability ... easy work in Polynesia, Mediaset production, Leo3 Wi diving suit, Panasonic GH4 video camera with Canon optics adapter.
I need to show the girls, protagonists of the program struggling with the sub shooting, like "behind the camera" ... first idea is to put a GoPro and something comes out ... but Fabio tells me I give you a Leo3 Smart you put on an iphone 7 inside and you do what you have to.
Shooting with the smartphone is comparable and in some cases superior (for ease of use) to the production itself, everyone had fun, they also made selfi and paid me much more willingly.
For the rest it is the same as all the others ... crush take pictures, re-squeeze and make the video.