easydive Store

GERMANY Peter Schneider


Peter was born in Berlin, Germany.

He is a professional underwater filmmaker, cameraman and diving instructor. He has worked on international award-winning documentaries such as ‘Adventure Ocean Quest’ with record freediver and environmentalist Fred Buyle and the DOP of ‘The Big Blue’, Christian Petron.

With Rachel Campergue he produced ‘Sharks of Rangiroa from Legend to Reality’, which received awards in Antibes and other international festivals. The film was one of the driving forces in creating the biggest shark sanctuary in the world in French Polynesia, where he settled down in 2001. Here, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, he started his career as an underwater filmmaker and fell in love with the big fauna such as sharks, manta rays, dolphins and whales.

In 2009, after nearly 9 years there, Peter left the atoll of Rangiroa and stayed in ‘dry dock’ for a while to archive, edit and market the footage he had collected over all those years. Some of his shots are very rare if not unique and have been used for documentaries, commercials and feature films worldwide.

Another island in the Pacific was calling him in 2010 – Yap Island, Micronesia. For one year he managed the photo/video center of the Mares diving center Yap Divers. Island life was only temporary, and in the coming years he was fortunate to travel to places and encounter animals he had dreamt of for many years.Peter took part in several shark/human interaction classes with Erich Ritter Ph.D. This expanded his knowledge of animal behavior and human/animal interaction even further.

Besides human/animal interaction, freediving is a subject he has been interested in for a long time.

On his path he has met some exceptional characters and has had the chance to capture them on video. Almost a whole library of freediving films is the result- interviews, promotional films, music videos and experimental films.

Pourquoi choisir Easydive ?

I started to make underwater films in the year 2000 and have used many brands of underwater housings since. Camera models today are outdated after 2 years. If you want to change to the next upgraded version of your camera model, your camera is not fitting into your old housing and you have to change the housing too. 

Usually, ...usually you have to do it, but not if you own a Easydive housing. 

That is the biggest advantage, if you are not a millionaire.

But even you are a millionaire you find good reasons to opt for an Easydive housing.

- Lifelong warranty with an excellent service, ...no with an outstanding and fast service.
- Simple and reliable to use.
- Beautiful “Italian”design and manufactured with “German” precision and care.

The people behind the products – innovative, always listening and eager to help and make the products even better.

I personally use the Leo3Wi for my Sony Alpha 7Rll and my next camera the Panasonic GH5 and  the new model of next year, which I don't know yet, but I know it will fit in my housing!

Only the sun is better than the Revolution lights, … in this case more is more 2x 15000 lumen and I hardly can wait what is coming next!

Produit utilisé
Garantie à Vie

Caisson sous marin universel Leo3 Wi

2.368,85 € + TVA 2.890,00 € TVA comprise

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Le caisson parfait n’existe pas, il n’y a que le caisson qui vous convient, à vous et à votre équipement.
Construisez votre propre caisson universel avec le configurateur.
Il suffit de quelques étapes pour construire votre propre caisson entièrement équipé: tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour documenter le monde sous-marin et protéger vos appareils photo.
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