easydive Store

Leo3 Smart

Application for Leo3 Smart Universal Housing for Smartphone

Leo3 Smart

Underwater videography and photography with your Smartphone? Today you can, thanks to Leo3 Smart, the innovative Housing branded Easydive that reinvents the way to live your scuba diving and highly appreciated by snorkeling lovers as well. Download this App on your iPhone, enable Bluetooth and begin matching your Leo 3 Smart.

With Easydive App you can:

Match your housing Leo 3 Smart with to your Iphone

This application is compatible with all Smartphone iOS. Download this App on another Iphone and ask enablement to Easydive: you can use 2 or more Smartphones with a single Leo 3 Smart housing.

Use Advanced Adjusting Functions

You can manually adjust the following parameters *: Time, ISO, HDR, White Balance, Automanic or Manual Focusing. Just like a real camera. And if you don't want to set all these parameters, you can use the camera in Auto Mode.

* Settings can change depeding on Iphone model.

Switch camera mode between photo/video with a button

Simply push a button to switch between photo and video mode, and back again. Each mode has separate manual adjustments, in order to make the use of the Smartphone easier.

Use the Secondary Camera (Selfies Mode)

Ever considered to take underwater selfies? Leo 3 Smart allows checking the shot from your Iphone monitor. You can also record video with the secondary camera and be both director and star of your movie.

Set the Power Saving Mode

With one button you can set your Smartphone in power saving mode, turning off the camera and saving energy. To reactivate the App just push the Power Saving button again.

Leo 3 Smart is the only underwater universal housing in the world, lifetime guaranteed up to -150 mt deep. It communicates with your Smartphone via Bluetooth connection and through the integrated control panel that allows to manage the application without using the Iphone touch screen. It has a 9000 mAh Battery Pack that allows to charge your Iphone while diving: you will never get out of the water with your Smartphone out of power.

The considerable size of the Smartphone Monitor allows an incredible framing control while diving.

Easydive is an Italian company founded by Fabio Benvenuti in year 2000, specialized in the production of equipments for underwater videography and photography. With this project Easydive decides to open the professionalism of its team and the quality of its products to a wider and heterogeneous public. Each diver or snorkeller can easily capture the best moments of his adventures and share them immediately using the full capabilities of his Smartphone.


Configurez votre caisson

Le caisson parfait n’existe pas, il n’y a que le caisson qui vous convient, à vous et à votre équipement.
Construisez votre propre caisson universel avec le configurateur.
Il suffit de quelques étapes pour construire votre propre caisson entièrement équipé: tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour documenter le monde sous-marin et protéger vos appareils photo.
Si vous avez besoin de personnalisation ou de conseils, contactez-nous ! Notre équipe est là pour vous aider et résoudre vos doutes.